- 2 pastarnaci medii
- para
- mar
- jumatate de lamaie
Indicat cu cuburi de gheata.
Este mult mai bun la gust decat m-am asteptat. Recunosc ca mi-a fost teama sa incerc pastarnacul intr-un suc, insa Jason Vale vorbea cu atata pofta, incat am zis ca trebuie sa incerc. Reteta nu este originala Jason Vale, este improvizatia mea. Pentru incepatori in ale sucurilor de legume recomand doar un pastarnac mediu.
- Fibra solubila a perei ajuta la curatatrea intestinelor
- Pastarnacul contine valori ridicate de potasiu, magneziu, fosfor, folati, dar si calciu si vitamina C.
- 2 parsnips
- pear
- apple
- half lemon
Juice and enjoy with ice cubes.
It tastes better than I expected. I admit that I was afraid to try to juice parsnip, but I saw Jason Vale made a juice with it and talking with so much pleasure, that I said I got to try it. The recipe it's not original Jason Vale, it's my improvisation.
For begginners in juicing I recommend to use only one parsnip.
Good for:
- The soluble fibre of the pear helps cleaning the colon
- The parsnip contains high values of potassium, manganese, phosphorus, folates, but also calcium and vitamin C.
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