Un suc dulce acrisor numai bun pentru gustarea de dimineata sau inainte de a merge la sala.
2 mere verzi
2 kiwi*
2 kiwi*
- vitamina C,potasiu, fosfor, antioxidant, bun pentru imunitate, antinflamator, constipatie, scaderea colesterolului, mentinerea tensiunii arteriale, slabit etc.
- vitamina C,potasiu, fosfor, antioxidant, bun pentru imunitate, antinflamator, constipatie, scaderea colesterolului, mentinerea tensiunii arteriale, slabit etc.
A sweet-sour juice for the morning snack or before gym.
2green apples
2 kiwis*
2 kiwis*
Good for:
- vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, antioxidant, antinflamatory, constipation, cholesterol, healthy arterial tension, weight loss etc.
- vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, antioxidant, antinflamatory, constipation, cholesterol, healthy arterial tension, weight loss etc.
*Cantitatile trebuie ajustate in functie de storcatorul folosit, acestea sunt pentru un storcator cu presare la rece.
*Amounts should be adjusted depending on the used juicer, these are for a cold pressed juicer.
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