joi, 26 martie 2015

Suc de urzica - Nettle juice

- o mana de urzici ( aici am pus o mana mai mica, dar daca e prima oara cand beti e de ajuns)
- o portocala
- un mar
- un morcov
- jumatate de lamaie*

 E delicios, un pic cam dulce pentru gustul meu dar grozav pentru copii.

Beneficiile sunt nenumarate fiind implicata "Doamna Urzica" , e un suc ideal in aceasta perioada si mai ales in Postul Pastelui.

- one handful of nettle ( here I put a little hand, but for beginners it's enough) 
- orange
- apple
- carrot
- half a lemon*

It's delicious, a little to sweet for my taste, but great for kids.

The benefits are endless being involved "Ms. Nettle " is an ideal juice during this period and especially in Lent .

*Cantitatile trebuie ajustate in functie de storcatorul folosit, acestea sunt pentru un storcator cu presare la rece. *Amounts should be adjusted depending on the used juicer, these are for a cold pressed juicer.


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