marți, 3 martie 2015

Liver Cleanse

Desi imi place sa folosesc legumele de sezon(care se gasesc in sezon la noi), mai fac exceptii.
Batul de apio a fost destul de mult pentru mine
 ( multe retete folosesc 2- 3 bete, dar asta poate depinde si de storcator)

 E bine sa ajustam cantitatile in functie de gust pentru ca e pacat sa aruncam sucul in caz ca nu il putem consuma din cauza aromelor prea puternice.

- o mana baby spanac
- jumatate de sfecla mica
- un castravete
- un morcov
- un bat apio
- 2 portocale
- jumatate de lamaie

Bogat in:
- Beta-caroten, vitamina A, B-euri, C, calciu, magneziu, mangan, potasium, folati, fier etc

I usually like to use seasonal vegetables ( the one that are in my country, in a specific season), but of course that I make exceptions.
One stick of apio was enough for me ( most recipes use 2 or 3 sticks, that might depend on what king of juicer you are using).

It's good to adjuste the amounts of the recipe to fit our taste, so that we can be able to drink it.

- one handful of baby spinach
- half of a little beetroot
- one cucumber
- one apio stick
- one carrot
- 2 oranges
- half a lemon

Rich in:
- Beta-carotene, vitamins A,Bs,C, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, pholates, iron etc.

*Cantitatile trebuie ajustate in functie de storcatorul folosit, acestea sunt pentru un storcator cu presare la rece.

*Amounts should be adjusted depending on the used juicer, these are for a cold pressed juicer.

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